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Forensic Psychology
Specialising in assesment and treatment of adult males and females,
she also treats young people aged 13 – 21.
If you are looking for a specific treatment and do not see it listed here, please get in touch.

Sarah has over fifteen years’ experience in assessment and treatment of offenders. Sarah provides specialist forensic psychological assessments for the New Zealand legal system. She works with adult male and female clients, and young people age 13 to 21 years of age. She has expert knowledge in forensic risk assessment tools and psychological assessment tools, including actuarial and Structured Professional Judgement (SPJ) risk assessment tools.
Her experience includes formal report writing and providing psychological advice and consultation for high risk violent and sexual offenders, with a range of complex needs, including mental health and personality disorder. She has worked in both prisons and within the community, where she has provided psychological advice to assist in the on-going management of violent and sexual offenders. This has included Extended Supervision Orders (ESO).
Sarah’s experience in formal report writing includes expert witness testimony and writing complex psychological assessments such as reports for the New Zealand Parole Board and District and High Court (including Extended Supervision Health Assessments). She has provided expert witness testimony at Parole Board hearings in the UK and have represented the Department of Corrections on Extended Parole Board hearings in New Zealand. She has also provided supervision to Psychologists’ completing Extended Supervision Reports and providing expert witness testimony.
Sarah is familiar with relevant ethics and standards for expert opinion and abides by the Code of Conduct in Schedule 4 High Court Rules.
If you are looking for a specialised and experienced forensic psychologist in Auckland or New Zealand skilled with evidence-based assessment, diagnostic, and research driven mental health solutions, please get in touch.

Psychological Assessment and Treatment
Sarah provides individual psychological treatment.
Prior to commencement, Sarah will work from a brief therapy model and then work this into a detailed treatment plan.

ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation)
Approved by ACC, Sarah can provide psychological treatments for clients who have been the victim of sexual abuse (sensitive claims) or who have sustained a physical injury and require psychological support.

Supervision and Consultation
We have packages for psychologists and other health professionals requiring either individual or clinical supervision.
NOW is a great time to get in touch!
SB Psychology Services in Auckland are actively accepting referrals and patients.
Please get in touch to discuss how we can help.